I am suggesting some tips for shopping this Holiday Season, not just at Breeze, but any store! I am a realist and that's not always a popular opinion so here goes.
Things to DO:
- SHOP NOW!!!!! We're OPEN. Who knows what tomorrow will bring?
- PLAN NOW! make your lists with what you have. We have the benefit of having lived through a Quarantine to appreciate what little time we have.
- If you see something you like, but not sure who might like it, BUY IT! If you don't use it you can start your gifting closet if you don't already have one. You know how we didn't stash toilet paper and ended up short recently?
- I do NOT recommend "scouting" out gift ideas. There's a good chance it won't be there when you come back. So if you see something you like, BUY IT NOW! It's kind of like Voting. Do it on or before Election Day or it won't count!
- If you're thinking of special orders, place them NOW! vendors are already selling out of product. Everyone bought less this year, trimmed our orders....including our vendors.
Things to think about:
- As Covid 19 is on the rise in neighboring states there is a good chance we may be forced to shut down in some capacity again between now and the Holidays. Don't get caught short handed.
- Many of our vendors have experienced supply chain issues, just like we have, and have not been able to get or make some products. Some of our Vendors have even gone out of business.
- Small businesses everywhere are working tirelessly to prepare for the holiday season with limitations and so many unknowns. Support who you can as soon as you can.
- Seriously, SHOP NOW! we are already putting the holiday product out!
- We can't crowd into stores the day before Thanksgiving or Christmas. It just can't happen in this environment. The longer you wait, the longer you will wait!
We wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season. We are so grateful for your support. Stay Safe and wear a mask!